Ride Applications and Verification of Australian rides.
The verification fees may be found at Iron Butt Association Verification Fees.
The Australian IBA Electronic Ride Application Program
- The program starts here
- Ensure you read all the information on the web page and that you are able to comply with the requirements contained there.
- Make sure you’ve read the rules for your ride in detail, including printing/completing any relevant forms like ride logs
- If you’re unsure about anything, please send a query to ozibaapplications@gmail.com and the verification team will get in touch to help you out. We don’t want to deny a certification because you didn’t complete the paperwork properly or you didn’t understand the documentation requirements!
- Click on the link contained on that web page – this will open up an email to ozibaapplications@gmail.com
- Update/personalise the Subject line of the email with your name, the date of your ride and the ride type
- Complete the details requested in the email template
- Ensure, when you submit your application, that the appropriate fee has been paid via paypal to paypal@ironbutt.comand attach proof/confirmation to your application. Prices for certification are included on the relevant web page for the ride you’re applying for and at Iron Butt Association Verification Fees..
Premier member ‘Insta-cert’ process
For Premier IBA members, you can use the instacert verification process via the iba estore. Log in and follow the prompts. If your address is in Australia, your application will default to the Australian queue. If you’d prefer to submit to the general Premier queue, you can change that when submitting.
A few points to remember when submitting your ride application;
- Use the same email address to send your ride application and respond to any queries from the verification team
- Do your best to ensure your ride application is complete before submitting
- On applications that involve nested rides, or multiple rides, detail EACH ride separately, with the start and finish times and locations and distances clearly stated.
- Do not send the same application or query multiple times and/or to multiple IBA email addresses
Once your ride documentation is received, one of several people will start the verification process. Depending on how your ride is documented, there may be extensive work involved to verify your ride (keying data into mileage spreadsheets, map verifications, witness contacts where needed and custom certificate preparations), all of which is performed by volunteers, so it may take 2 to 3 months or more before your certificates will be ready for signature and mailed to you.
We realise this is a long time to wait for your certification.
However, our certification process is very thorough. In fact, the certification process is what gives your certificate value. It would be very easy for the Iron Butt Association to simply take money and print up a generic “you rode 1,610 kilometres in a day” certificate, but that certificate wouldn’t have the same value to you or anyone else. The downside is this process takes time… It means that when you receive your certification you know not only that you earned it, but so did every other rider you meet with the same certification.
Before we can issue your certification, you may be asked to clarify certain aspects of your ride and/or documentation by either e-mail or phone.
Keeping the above in mind, please consider limiting general enquiries regarding the status of your application, unless is it outside the timelines mentioned.